Voice of the logo

GG`Publication Logo

The logo of Ganit Guru Publication reflects the face of an individual who loves to express his/ her thoughts through his linguistic ability.

The background colour is yellow which means enlightenment that removes darkness of our ignorance and encourage us to move forward in search of knowledge.

The letter ‘G’ and ‘P’ together forms the eyes. ‘G’ and ‘P’ stands for Ganit Guru Publication.

If we turn the logo left it elucidates capital ‘G’ and ‘I’

and when we turn right it elucidates ‘I’ and small ‘g’.

Here ‘I’ stands for India.

The face is blue which is associated with the colour of ink that symbolises the ability to bring knowledge and it also induces the writers to write.

The Ganit Guru Publication is a medium for an individual who loves to express his/ her thoughts through writing articles about any branch of mathematics.

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